Chatbot integrated with HRMS updates salary for employees in bulk


Empower your
users with an
AI Copilot

A Copilot that truly understands your users - does everything your software does, and more!

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Build AI assistants that can guide, help and take actions on behalf of users, using just plain English

Praesent nec nunc et orci ornare aliquam a a ligula. Pellentesque sed iaculis eros, eu ornare odio. Quisque consectetur venenatis magna, nec molestie nisi scelerisque a.

Actions & Workflows

The copilot intelligently interprets user commands, seamlessly decomposes them into actionable tasks, and executes them from start to finish.

Usage Analytics

Gain insights into the most frequently used features of your product and build a deeper understanding of your users' needs and behaviours.

Triggers & Schedulers

Schedule tasks to operate silently in the background. Utilize the power of Triggers and Loops to ensure continuous, uninterrupted automation.

Integrations Ecosystem

Execute actions across multiple software platforms like Google Sheets, Notion, Airtable, etc. - leveraging the strengths of integrations for enhanced productivity.

Backed by

Vaibhav Bhalekar
Microsoft’s new era of AI PCs will need a Copilot key, says Intel! It's exciting to see technology is advancing and how AI is becoming more integrated into our daily lives.

Get Started in just 30 mins


Record flows on your product to publish them as automation

Perform the product task as you normally would & let our plugin record it as a workflow. Record, edit and publish the workflows.


Customize theme,
make Copilot your own

From logo & brand colors to messaging style, customize everything you need to make it truly yours.


Copy paste a small piece of code to embed on your website & app*

Integrate with your product using less than 10 lines of code and let the copilot do tasks for your users.

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Praesent nec nunc et orci ornare aliquam a a ligula. Pellentesque sed iaculis eros, eu ornare odio. Quisque consectetur venenatis magna, nec molestie nisi scelerisque a.

Vaibhav Bhalekar
Microsoft’s new era of AI PCs will need a Copilot key, says Intel! It's exciting to see technology is advancing and how AI is becoming more integrated into our daily lives.

Train Co-Pilot with Your API Documentation

Link your API Documentation here and explore additional resources and guides to help Co-Pilot learn your customer’s language.

Customize Co-Pilot,
Shape Your Brand Identity

Personalize your Co-Pilot experience by customizing your logo, brand colors, and more. Adjust the messaging style to align with your brand's tone.

Integrate Co-Pilot into Your Website and App

Easily deploy Co-Pilot into your products by copying and pasting a small piece of code into your product's codebase.